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Who’s Already Thinking About a Fall Challenge?

By Announcement

We’re already looking ahead to fall with anticipation because we’re putting together another challenge just for you!

This challenge will be a new twist on our typical challenges, but we can’t spill all the details just yet.

You can expect some fun themed classes and seasonal favorites as we help get you excited for Halloween!

That’s all we can reveal for now. Stay tuned for more details. We’ll announce when challenge cards will be available at the front desk.

We hope you can’t wait for fall AND the fall challenge!

Sterling Satisfaction Survey Now Open!

By Announcement

We’d like to check in with our community to see what we’re doing right and what we could do better. 

Please take just a few minutes of your time to complete this 2022 Sterling Satisfaction Survey here.

This survey is completely anonymous, so please be honest with how we can make your experience at Sterling a great one!

We’ll consider your responses as we look to make some schedule changes in the fall and do our best to deliver you the best yoga and Pilates community in town.

The survey will be open through Friday, Aug. 12. Thank you in advance for your time!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

By News

Staying hydrated is essential if you regularly practice our hot yoga and Pilates classes. But in the summer, it becomes even more important.

Adequate hydration helps the heart pump more efficiently, optimizes blood pressure, regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, aids in digestion and more.

When practicing at Sterling Hot Yoga & Wellnesswe recommend drinking a minimum of half of your body weight in ounces (even more in the summer!) at least 40 minutes before class begins.

Drinking water is one of the best ways to stay hydrated. But you can get hydrated in other ways, such as by eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Coconut water and other electrolyte replacements may help you bounce back after an especially hot day and/or yoga or Pilates session.

Some other tips to stay hydrated, even in the Gulf Coast summer heat:

– Invest in a reusable water bottle. Invest in a reusable water bottle. Keep it filled and close by, and take regular water breaks throughout the day.

– Set water consumption goals daily and stick to them! Set water consumption goals and stick to them! It may help to set a schedule just to keep you on track.

– Infuse your water with flavor to make it more appealing. If the taste of water gets too boring, boost it with the addition of fresh fruit, like limes, lemons, berries, cucumbers and the like.

We’ve got great hydration options at the studio just for you! Whether you need water or coconut water, we’ve got you covered to keep up your hydration or help you replenish after class!

Summer Bingo Challenge Is BACK!

By Events

One of everyone’s favorite challenges is BACK this summer. Get ready for the 2022 Sterling Summer Bingo Challenge!

You have all of June (and half of July!) this summer to fill up your card. Beginning Wednesday, June 1 through Friday, July 15, we’re challenging you to play bingo and win some fun prizes along the way.

All you have to do is simply maintain your practice and complete activities to earn stamps on your card. You can earn one bingo stamp per class.

If you’ve never played Sterling bingo, you’ll want to! Of course, if you have, you’ll want to play again!

Cards will be available this week at the front desk. Sign up and have (more) fun doing yoga this summer!

Memorial Day Studio Schedule

By Announcement

We’re giving our staff and you a short break on Monday, May 30, the observance of Memorial Day.

But you’ll still have an opportunity to get your yoga in at 9 a.m. with our Original Hot 75.

No other classes will be offered. Our regular schedule will resume Tuesday, May 31 with our 10 a.m. Original Hot 60 class.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date about holiday schedule announcements and more.

You can also download the MINDBODY app (free for Android and Apple) to follow the latest class schedule, book classes, see who’s teaching and more!

See you in the hot room soon!

Build a Stronger, Safer Backward Bend in April Workshop

By Events


Backbending Essentials

with Michelle Ryan

Saturday April 30 from 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Backward bends are essential in any yoga practice, as they provide a counter-stretch from forward folds. But think of the MANY forward folds you do every day, from cooking to driving to working over a computer to texting. Not only does backward bending provide an important counter movement to these activities, but also it helps you maintain a strong, healthy spine and improved posture. This month you can learn to build a stronger, safer backbend with Michelle Ryan on Saturday, April 30 from 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Michelle will break down postures in the original hot yoga sequence (and their complements in vinyasa) and discuss ways to help you deepen your practice. During the workshop, she will present various stretches and tips to help you open your shoulders, hamstrings and hips to improve your backward bend. Expect a lively discussion and individual feedback on your postures as time allows. The room will be heated, but not quite as hot as the original hot yoga class. You are welcome to bring a notebook and pen as well. Reserve your spot for $35. We look forward to hosting this workshop for you. Look for more helpful workshops in the months to come!

Congratulations to All Our Healthy Habits Challengers!

By News

Our 21-Day Health Habits Challenge just ended, but the power of establishing a healthy habit lasts!

We’re proud of everyone who signed up and make the effort toward reaching this goal. 

But we’re especially proud of these nine students who consistently showed up and made time for at least 21 classes this month!

Madison Brooks, 34
Angela Norris, 23
Mendy Bornfleth, 22
Alfie Fowler, 21
Bridget Wells Duke, 21
Danny Miller, 21
Nancy Taylor, 21
Tricia DeVaughn, 21
Windy Hocutt, 21

We’ll celebrate everyone this Friday, April 8 after the 5:30 p.m. Happy Hour hot yoga class.

Everyone who completed the challenge will be entered to win a drawing for these prizes: a one-hour private lesson with the teacher of your choice; gift cards to Taco Mama, Coffee Monster and more!

Of course everyone who completes the challenge will receive a special T-shirt and have the opportunity to sign the challenge wall.

Plus we’ll enjoy food provided by Ollie’s Mediterranean Grill.

Congratulations to everyone who made the effort to create healthy habits in 2022!

Nicole Purdie’s First Love Is Fitness, But She’s Married to Yoga

By Testimonial

Nicole Purdie loves a good Pilates, CrossFit or HIIT workout, and it shows. Though strong and muscular as a result, she struggled with pain from a car accident and needed to make a change.

“I had my first car accident, went to the chiropractor and was told I’d have to have surgery on my back if things didn’t change by the time I hit my 50s,” she said, “so I searched for a non-surgical solution.”

That change led her to Sterling Hot Yoga & Wellness in 2018. Though she’d never practiced yoga until she joined the studio, she’s found exactly what she was looking for and more.

“Practicing yoga has significantly impacted my mental focus/clarity, mobility, stress management and overall physical health,” Nicole said.

She chose Sterling primarily for the heat, which may help the body to feel more flexible and also reduce the risk of injury.

“The key was the heat,” Nicole said. “I normally work out alone, so I attempted it and the pain was unbearable without the heat.”

The improvements she began to notice were important, but she said the reason she keeps coming back to Sterling is because of the teachers. 

“The atmosphere of the studio and the knowledge of the teachers keeps me coming back,” she said. “Listening to the dialogue of each teacher, I realized that each of them brought something unique and beneficial to each class. I listened intently and I got better with each class.”

Starting something new isn’t always easy, but being met with encouragement goes a long way in sticking with it.

“My first class was with Danni. She made me feel comfortable and OK with my inability to execute the postures,” Nicole said. “She even mailed a postcard to my residence full of encouragement. I still have that postcard which further reiterates the awesomeness of the teachers.” 

True to her first love in fitness, Nicole envisioned doing more Pilates classes at Sterling when she started, but she found an even better solution. 

“I had read the book by Joseph Pilates Contrology,” she said. “His story of healing the spinal issues he faced was phenomenal!

“But the true medicine for me was and still is in the yoga classes. Although Pilates, CrossFit and HIIT workouts have always been my first love when it comes to fitness, metaphorically speaking I am married to yoga! I will be doing yoga in my 80s if I am still able to do so.”

Nicole knows firsthand that everyone begins their fitness or yoga journey at a different place, but the beginning isn’t what’s important.

“It’s not how you start, but how you finish,” she said. “If you put in the effort you will improve and become a healthier version of yourself.”

There’s only one way to get started, exactly where you are today! Join Nicole and others in our Sterling community with our new member special. It’s just $39 for one month of unlimited classes.

Yin + Yoga Nidra Returns in March

By Events

Want to look ahead with a renewed, focused mindset? Candlelight Yin + Yoga Nidra is a great way to get started on closing out old patterns and move forward with clarity.

Join Michelle on Sunday, March 27 from 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. for a special 90-minute class, during which you’ll have an opportunity to slow down, examine your thoughts and, most importantly, make self-care a top priority. 

Yin improves concentration and flexibility, and yoga nidra has been proven to activate the body’s relaxation response. Together, this combination is very powerful for your body and your mind.

Yoga nidra improves the function of the nervous system and endocrine system. It helps cells in your body regenerate and repair, decrease anxiety and improve your mood.

Additional studies indicate that yoga nidra can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and improve blood glucose fluctuations and symptoms associated with diabetes.

Candlelight Yin + Yoga Nidra is a great way to end your weekend and get prepared for the week – and more – ahead!

It’s open to the public at a special drop-in rate of $10. Reserve your spot by clicking here.

We look forward to sharing this special class with you!

21-Day Healthy Habits Challenge Starts on Wednesday

By Events

How is your year going so far? If you need motivation to stick with your healthy habits or to develop some, we’re here to help!

In March, we’re encouraging you to set healthy habits with our 2022 Healthy Habits Challenge! Since it takes about three weeks to form a habit, the challenge is to take 21 classes in 30 days and get your year off to a healthy start!

Everyone who completes the challenge will be entered to win a drawing for these prizes: a one-hour private lesson with the teacher of your choice; gift cards to local restaurants; Sterling gift cards and more!

Of course everyone who completes the challenge will receive a special T-shirt and have the opportunity to sign the challenge wall.

The Healthy Habits Challenge begins Wednesday, March 3, 2022 and ends Thursday, March 31, 2022.

Sign-up cards for the Healthy Habits Challenge will be available this week!