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Why You Should Make Time For Yin Yoga

By News

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious? It’s common from time to time, but during the holidays, these feelings can shift into overdrive.

So what are you doing to take care of yourself? Practicing yoga does help. But it’s important to make time to incorporate less strenuous styles of classes into your practice. 

That’s where yin comes in. Without yin yoga, your practice isn’t whole. Think about the yin and yang symbol. 

If you’re only showing up on your mat for original hot yoga, vinyasa and even Inferno Hot Pilates, you need to balance your practice with yin.

Yin allows you time and space to slow down, to relax and to breathe. By holding postures longer at your edge (no pushing!) in a cooler room, you can stretch everything below the muscle and closer to the bone.

This makes yin a powerful internal practice, not only physically, but also mentally as well. 

By consistently taking yin yoga, you can experience improved flexibility, stronger focus, more patience nyasa and even Inferno Hot Pilates, you need to balance your practice with yin. This makes yin a powerful internal practice, not only physically, but also mentally as well.

By consistently taking yin yoga, you can experienced improved flexibility, stronger focus, more patience and reduced stress.

Sound great? Try yin on Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. and Sundays at 4:30 p.m.!