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Katie Turner Discovers Yoga With a Little Help From a Friend

By Testimonial

Katie Turner discovered yoga three years ago after being “dragged to a HOT 90 class by a friend” in Birmingham. 

“I had never been very flexible and I was sure that I wouldn’t be able to do it, but I survived and I loved it,” she said. “I signed up for a membership after that and have been hooked ever since.”

Katie described herself as a regular in Hot Pilates and Buti yoga classes after surviving the HOT 90, so when she moved back home to Mobile about a year ago, she was determined to continue her practice. That’s when she discovered Sterling.

“The Hot Pilates classes are my absolute favorite, and I saw that they were offered at Sterling,” she said. “I signed up for the initial $30 for 30 days and loved it.” 

Katie has experienced many benefits from her yoga and Pilates practice, such as injury recovery and improved energy levels.

“The biggest benefit that I have experienced would have to be complete relief from lower back pain that had plagued me for years from a previous injury. I’ve also noticed that when I keep up a regular routine of yoga/Pilates, my energy levels are up and I feel capable,” she said. “Amongst other things, this leads me to wake up earlier, to be more productive at work, to put more effort into my relationships. I function at a much higher level in all aspects of my life.”

But the most satisfying reason Katie keeps coming back is reaching new levels in her practice.

“I come back to practice because I love how yoga/Pilates makes me feel. There is nothing more satisfying than my body doing something that it was not capable of months before,” she said. “Also, the lavender towels at the end of class do not hurt.”

Katie took her first Pilates class—and first class at Sterling—in September 2018. Though she said it was obvious to her that she hadn’t practiced in months, she said she “was excited to see how strong I could become.”

Looking back over her consistent practice, Katie is most surprised by her changed mindset and how much she is able to accomplish.

“Before yoga, I had never really had a workout practice or consistent routine. Never in a million years would I have pictured myself being able to do some of the things I do now,” she said. “I am really proud of the endurance that I have built up to be able to get through some of these classes because they are tough!”

Getting to this point in her practice didn’t happen all at once, Katie admits, so she encourages new students to be patient as they work toward the results or goals they have in mind. 

“Flexibility and endurance are not built overnight,” she said. “Any sort of goal is worth putting in the work!!!”

Practicing in the supportive environment that Sterling offers has made putting in the work a little easier for her.

“I have loved coming to Sterling Hot Yoga since day one! The instructors and staff have been so supportive and kind. They really push you to work towards the best version of yourself,” she said. “I can’t wait to see where my practice will take me!”

You can join Katie at Sterling and work toward your goals together! We offer a $30 intro special for new students that includes 30 days of unlimited practice. Click here to sign up. There is no better time or deal to take the first step to a healthier, happier you!