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Dr. Mashner to Discuss Gut Health and Link to Cancer

Gut Health and Link to Cancer“Leaky Gut,” also known as “Intestinal Permeability,” is a condition where the normal barriers that separate waste products, bacteria and partially digested food from the bloodstream are breached.

“Cancer” is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymph system.

Dr. Melvin Mashner, a specialist in gut health, will lead a discussion on the the causes of “leaky gut” and their relationship to “cancer” on Saturday, June 10 at 11:30 a.m.

Topics will include:

  • The five barriers that your gut uses to protect your health.
  • How a “leaky gut” can weaken your immune system and impact your ability to combat all diseases, including cancer.
  • “Leaky gut” and cancer: Could there be a connection?
  • The truth about “leaky gut” and how your diet can help heal (or aggravate) it.
  • The common foods that have been linked to “leaky gut,” heart disease, accelerated aging, cancer and more.
  • Seven specific actions you can take to improve your gut health, heal a “leaky gut” and reduce your cancer risk.